Information & Country Fair Exhibitor Space Request Form
Carlisle Old Home Day Country Fair Marketplace June 25, 2022 10:30 to 2:00 pm
Thank you for requesting exhibitor information for Old Home Day’s Country Fair Marketplace to be held on Saturday, June 25, 2022, from 10:30 am to 2:00 pm. Country Fair’s purpose is to provide a showcase for the many small businesses, artists and artisans of Carlisle and a few nearby towns.* It's also a source of information from a wide variety of organizations providing services to the community. Last year Country Fair had about 40 exhibitors. This year we hope to have even more.
Country Fair will again be held beneath the solar array at the Carlisle School parking area, just off Church Street. This location provides sun and some weather protection as well as the convenience of driving to your display location for offloading, and then driving a short distance to parking.
The traditional exhibitor fee of $25 has been reinstated this year. Because some exhibitors make substantial sales, we request those exhibitors pay an additional fee of 10% of sales over $250, (including sales of raffle tickets, kid’s games, etc.) to be paid on the honor system at the close of Country Fair. For smaller vendors making fewer sales, if the $25 fee is problematic, let us know and we’ll try to find a fee which works for you.
Two things need to happen in order for you to exhibit at OHD Country Fair 2022.
If you are selling food, you must check with Linda Fantasia at the Carlisle Board of Health to determine if you need a permit. This will depend upon the type of food being sold (food that will spoil if it is not kept hot or cold is of the greatest concern, but please check). Her contact information is: Linda Fantasia / Health Agent – Town of Carlisle, Board of Health Phone: 978-369-0283 Email: [email protected] . If Linda requires you to have a food permit, Old Home Day must receive a copy and you must display the original in your booth.
At Old Home Day, if you plan to conduct anything which could be construed as a raffle, you will first have to secure a permit from Town Clerk Peggy Wang, [email protected] , 978-369-6155. Old Home Day will need a copy of this permit.
Old Home Day is intended as a day of homecoming, a day of remembrance, a day to celebrate those things which bind us together in this special community we call Carlisle. Therefore, Old Home Day and Country Fair do not accept political activity of any sort, nor any other controversial issues.
*If exhibit space is limited, priority is given to Carlisle exhibitors.
Exhibitor Space Request Form
Carlisle Old Home Day Country Fair Marketplace Saturday June 25, 2022 10:30 am to 2:00 pm
Thank you for requesting exhibitor display space at Old Home Day’s 2022 Country Fair Marketplace. Unfortunately, this form is not formatted so you can fill it out as you see it on this website.
Some suggestions:
Fill out the form and either:
a. Mail the form to Old Home Day Country Fair Marketplace, PO Box 54, Carlisle, MA 01741, or
b. Scan the completed form back into your computer and email it back as an attachment to [email protected] – or
2. Email [email protected] and request the form in either Microsoft Word format or in PDF.
a. If you receive the form in Word (PC user) you will be able to complete the form in your computer without distortion and can then email the form back as an attachment.
b. If you receive the form in PDF format, you will have to print and manually fill out the form and either snail mail it back to us, or scan it into your computer and send it to us as an attachment.
3. Simply copy all the information requested in the form and email it to us at: [email protected].
Space confirmation will be sent upon receipt of both the Space Request form and $25 exhibitor fee.
*Write “Country Fair” on lower left corner of envelope front.
Name: (Organization)*
*This information will be listed in the online Country Fair Exhibitor directory unless you say no.
(Contact Person)
Mailing Address:
E-mail Address: *
*This information will be listed in the online Country Fair Exhibitor directory unless you say no.
Phone #:
(Land line) (Mobile)
*This information will be listed in the online Country Fair Exhibitor directory unless you say no.
Product or service being offered:*
*This information will be listed in the online Country Fair Exhibitor directory unless you say no.
Describe your product, business, or service exactly as you would like it listed in the online Country Fair exhibitor directory. 20 word maximum
If you have special requirements, please contact us at: [email protected].
We look forward to having you participate in the Country Fair Marketplace at Carlisle Old Home Day!
OHD Office use only: Date Received: Notes:
Carlisle Old Home Day Country Fair Marketplace June 25, 2022 10:30 to 2:00 pm
Thank you for requesting exhibitor information for Old Home Day’s Country Fair Marketplace to be held on Saturday, June 25, 2022, from 10:30 am to 2:00 pm. Country Fair’s purpose is to provide a showcase for the many small businesses, artists and artisans of Carlisle and a few nearby towns.* It's also a source of information from a wide variety of organizations providing services to the community. Last year Country Fair had about 40 exhibitors. This year we hope to have even more.
Country Fair will again be held beneath the solar array at the Carlisle School parking area, just off Church Street. This location provides sun and some weather protection as well as the convenience of driving to your display location for offloading, and then driving a short distance to parking.
The traditional exhibitor fee of $25 has been reinstated this year. Because some exhibitors make substantial sales, we request those exhibitors pay an additional fee of 10% of sales over $250, (including sales of raffle tickets, kid’s games, etc.) to be paid on the honor system at the close of Country Fair. For smaller vendors making fewer sales, if the $25 fee is problematic, let us know and we’ll try to find a fee which works for you.
Two things need to happen in order for you to exhibit at OHD Country Fair 2022.
- You need to complete and return the below Space request form. We will then review to make sure exhibiting at Country Fair Marketplace is a good fit for you and for Country Fair.
- Your $25 exhibitor fee must be paid not later than June 10, 2022 by either personal check or by PayPal at Country Fair on the OHD website. Instructions are below.
If you are selling food, you must check with Linda Fantasia at the Carlisle Board of Health to determine if you need a permit. This will depend upon the type of food being sold (food that will spoil if it is not kept hot or cold is of the greatest concern, but please check). Her contact information is: Linda Fantasia / Health Agent – Town of Carlisle, Board of Health Phone: 978-369-0283 Email: [email protected] . If Linda requires you to have a food permit, Old Home Day must receive a copy and you must display the original in your booth.
At Old Home Day, if you plan to conduct anything which could be construed as a raffle, you will first have to secure a permit from Town Clerk Peggy Wang, [email protected] , 978-369-6155. Old Home Day will need a copy of this permit.
Old Home Day is intended as a day of homecoming, a day of remembrance, a day to celebrate those things which bind us together in this special community we call Carlisle. Therefore, Old Home Day and Country Fair do not accept political activity of any sort, nor any other controversial issues.
*If exhibit space is limited, priority is given to Carlisle exhibitors.
Exhibitor Space Request Form
Carlisle Old Home Day Country Fair Marketplace Saturday June 25, 2022 10:30 am to 2:00 pm
Thank you for requesting exhibitor display space at Old Home Day’s 2022 Country Fair Marketplace. Unfortunately, this form is not formatted so you can fill it out as you see it on this website.
Some suggestions:
- Select and copy all the information in this Exhibitor Space Request Form
Fill out the form and either:
a. Mail the form to Old Home Day Country Fair Marketplace, PO Box 54, Carlisle, MA 01741, or
b. Scan the completed form back into your computer and email it back as an attachment to [email protected] – or
2. Email [email protected] and request the form in either Microsoft Word format or in PDF.
a. If you receive the form in Word (PC user) you will be able to complete the form in your computer without distortion and can then email the form back as an attachment.
b. If you receive the form in PDF format, you will have to print and manually fill out the form and either snail mail it back to us, or scan it into your computer and send it to us as an attachment.
3. Simply copy all the information requested in the form and email it to us at: [email protected].
Space confirmation will be sent upon receipt of both the Space Request form and $25 exhibitor fee.
*Write “Country Fair” on lower left corner of envelope front.
Name: (Organization)*
*This information will be listed in the online Country Fair Exhibitor directory unless you say no.
(Contact Person)
Mailing Address:
E-mail Address: *
*This information will be listed in the online Country Fair Exhibitor directory unless you say no.
Phone #:
(Land line) (Mobile)
*This information will be listed in the online Country Fair Exhibitor directory unless you say no.
Product or service being offered:*
*This information will be listed in the online Country Fair Exhibitor directory unless you say no.
Describe your product, business, or service exactly as you would like it listed in the online Country Fair exhibitor directory. 20 word maximum
If you have special requirements, please contact us at: [email protected].
We look forward to having you participate in the Country Fair Marketplace at Carlisle Old Home Day!
- Display spaces are assigned on a “first come, first served” basis.
- If exhibit space is limited, priority is given to Carlisle exhibitors.
OHD Office use only: Date Received: Notes: